Brian Turner

Brian Turner

Brian Turner has seen his poems published in poetry daily, the Atlantic Review and several other publications. From Fresno, California, his poems have also appeared in the voices in wartime anthology. Turner is an MFA graduate of the University of Oregon and a US army veteran.

“The poems on the pages of Here, Bullet, with their immediacy of impact, their universality of theme, their blend of cultural and historical insight, and their many tiered reverberations of the aftermath of gut wrenching violence, make for a powerful reading experience….The relationship Turner establishes with the reader is not dialogue but a tidal insistence on reflection, that if there is meaning in loss, there must be meaning in what precedes loss, in what is related to loss. There is no harm in such reflection, argues Here, Bullet, but, rather harm stems from the lack of it.” – The Franklin Journal

Brian Turner Interview with The Parlour Review

This interview took place at the House Hotel in Galway , April 2008. I had met Brian two weeks previously when he was reading at the Poetry Now festival in Dun Laoighaire. He returned to Galway as poet in residence for the Cuirt International Festival of Writing. In the course of this interview he speaks, among other things, about the duality of being a soldier and a poet and his experience of the Iraq war.

Below Brian Turner reads Night in Blue © Brian Turner
Video © Marion Kelly

Brian Turner at the Poetry Foundation

Iraq Soldier Describes War in Poetry: Brian Turner at NPR

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